Vuz 20-letnicu buševskoga kajkavskoga Hamleta («Kajmleta»)
(izvedba na HTV-u 27. prosinca ’92.)
Pučko Kazališče Buševec – Kratek insert drame «Hamlet»
Autor: Ivan Rožič (Mikulin; Popek)
Ofelija – Vlasta Vinterova
Hamlet – Zlatko Bobesičov
Klaudije – pok. Stjepan Rožič (Pepek Jankin)
Predstava je gemišt (kompilacija) z sledeče činov / prizorov:
IV. čin / 3. prizor
III. čin / 1. prizor
III. čin / 2. prizor
I. čin / 2. prizor
I. čin / 4. prizor
II. čin / 2. prizor
V. čin / 2. prizor
Sadržaj ovoga lista:
1. kajkavski tekst
2. vide(l)o
3. Shakespeareov engleski tekst (modernizerana inačica)
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1. kajkavski tekst
Biti ili ne biti, to ti se pita.
Nu, Hamlet, de je Polonije?
Na večere.
Na večere! Ali de?
Ne tam de bi on jel, neg tam de njega jeju.
Baš Vam je sad pri-jnem neakvo spravišče političke črvov.
A črv, to Vam je izrešni car kej se jela tiče.
Mi, viš’te, šopamo svu drugu živinu da bi našopali sebe,
a sebe pak šopamo za gliste.
Debeli kral, suvi bogec, samo su dva različita jela,
dva doneska za jen stol i to Vam je sve.
Joj mene…
Čovek more vloviti ribu š črvom teri je jel krala
i pojesti tu ribu tera je preguknula toga črva.
A kej očeš s-tem povedati?
Ništa, oču Vam samo pokazati da kral more otiti na preštimani put črez bokčova čreva.
Hamlet, de je Polonije?
Na nebu. Pošelete koga neg ga tam poišče.
A ako ga Vaš ablegat ni tam ne najde
onda ga poiščete sami na onomu drugomu mestu.
Nu, zaizbila, če ga ni za mesec dan ne najdete
bute ga našli po duvu kad pete po štenga na balkon.
Hja, unda ga idem tam poiskati.
Bu on počekal dok Vi ne dojdete.
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Biti ili ne biti, to ti se pita.
A je-li se splati v duše trpeti kojekakve udarce proklete sudbine
ili je možda bolje v ruke zgrabiti kakov nož
i protiv celomu tomu jadu se osoviti i pobediti,
lepo mreti, zaspati, zaspati …
Ofelija, da vam legnem v krilo?
Ojte z-Bogom gospon, pa ke je Vam?
Ke Vi mislite de seme štel reči neke prostoga?
Gospon, ja Vam niš ne-mislim.
E, to je lepa misel.
A ke je to lepa misel., gospon dragi?
Leči dekle med noge.
A jeste li Vi poštena dekla?
A jeste li Vi lepi?
A kej Vi mislite?
Ja mislim, ako ste lepi i pošteni, da se Vaše poštejne nikak ne-bi smelo pariti z lepotum.
A je-li more lepota imati bolše društvo nego ke je poštejne?
Sigurno da more, jer predi lepota pokvari poštejne, nego ke poštejne ima za diku lepotu. V klošter ojte, med opatice i to brzo.
A zake da idete zamuš? A zake da rodite grešnike?
A ako več bute išli v zamuš, onda gledete da si najdete neakvoga bedaka,
jer svaki pameten čovek dobro zna kakva bedaka ž-njem delate.
V klošter ojte, med opatice, brzo.
O nevera, ime ti je žena.
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Hamlet, de je Polonije?
Na večere.
Na večere! Na večere! To si mi več povedal. Ali de?
Ne tam de bi on jel, neg je tam de njega jeju.
Znam , znam.
Nega pojeju črvi, črve poje riba, ribu poje bogec z črevi, ili tak nekak.
Si mene našel, ha?
E, neke je trulo v te države Danske.
Je, je, neke je trulo v te države Danske.
Reči, reči, reči, ..
I zato, biti ili ne biti, to ti se pita.
Sve ostalo je šutnja.
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2. vide(l)o:
Hamlet, 04:26
Pučko Kazalište Buševec – Kratak insert drame Hamlet
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3. engleski tekst (modernizerana inačica):
William Shakespeare:
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Act IV / Scene 3
Now, Hamlet, where’s Polonius?
At supper.
At supper! Where?
Not where he eats, but where he is eaten. A certain
group of educated worms are now biting him. Your worm
is your only emperor for diet. We fatten up all other
creatures to fatten us up, when we fatten ourselves for
maggots. Your fat king and your lean beggar
interchangeable, two dishes but for one table. That’s the end.
Alas, alas!
A man may fish with the worm that has eaten a king, and
eat the fish that has fed on that worm.
What do you mean by this?
Nothing but to show you how a king may progress
through the guts of a beggar.
Where is Polonius?
In heaven. Send there to see. If your messenger can’t
find him there, look for him in the other place yourself.
But, indeed, if you don’t find him within this month, you
will smell him as you go up the stairs into the lobby.
Go find him there.
He will stay until you come.
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Act III / Scene 1
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
Is it nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to fight against a sea of troubles,
And end them by fighting? To die, to sleep,
Nothing more, and by sleeping, to be able to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That the body gets as part of life is an ending
To be wished for very earnestly. To die, to sleep,
To sleep!
Act III / Scene 2
Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
No, my lord.
Do you think I meant sexual matters?
I think nothing, my lord.
That’s a fair thought to lie between maids’ legs.
What is, my lord?
Act III / Scene 1
Ha! ha! Are you sincere?
My lord?
Are you truthful?
What do you mean?
That if you be sincere and truthful, your sincerity
shouldn’t have any talks to your beauty.
Could beauty, my lord, have better dealings than with sincerity?
Yes, truly, for the power of beauty will transform
sincerity from what it is to a pimp faster than the force of
sincerity can translate beauty into his image.
Go to a convent, go.
Goodbye. Or, if you will marry, make it a fool, by Mary,
for wise men know well enough what monsters you make
of them. To a convent, go, and quickly too. Goodbye.
Act I / Scene 2
Weakness, your name is woman.
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Act I / Scene 4
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Act II / Scene 2
Words, words, words.
Act III / Scene 1
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
Act V / Scene 2
The rest is silence.
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Act IV / Scene 3
Act III / Scene 1
Act III / Scene 2
Act I / Scene 2
Act I / Scene 4
Act II / Scene 2
Act V / Scene 2
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Ham( & om)let
Laurence Olivier Act 4 Scene 3 lines 19-62, 02:29